Monday, February 05, 2007

***********March 26th, 2007*********** hey eveyone... i have been so busy with this new home i have purchased and also have no internet at home until next week- so hang in there... i'll have a new update soon and new poetry as well. thanks for all of your emails concerning my whereabouts!!!!!!! muah!

wherever have i been???????????????????

hello my patient friends... it's a new year and many things are on their way- a quick wrap up... where did january go??? i was whisked away to miami for most of the month... then came home and bought a house. what? yes, i bought a house! and that's why there's been no updates... buying a house is hard as shit! i'm surrounded by boxes now... it's very surreal. i'm sad, i'm excited, i'm nervous... it's gonna be a good change though, you'll see.

so let's have a flashback to 2006 and get you caught up on my silly little life.

normally, driving to new orleans is fun. you put the top down and off you go. not this trip. not on a lovely christmas eve. that would be asking too much. eat me mother nature. somebody needs a time-out!

but isn't new orleans lovely? what? you thought it was gone? no no no! it's very much there. just the people are gone. y'all need to visit new orleans. that was my christmas present this year. whatever i won at harrah's casino was my present: to spend my winnings in the city.

and here's where i spent most of my christmas eve... harrah's!! happy birthday jesus!

joan of arc. god spoke to her a lot.

an abandoned home. so sad... oh wait! people do stll live here!

you mean there are still trees there too!?!?!

ok, so i'm a smart ass. you bitches need to get your asses to new orleans. i got to see some old friends i met during the katrina thing (living back at home and working in new orleans!). we spent christmas eve (after my gambling) drinking spirits at the bar and watching old christmas favs from saturday night live or the kitchy gay-obsessed magical movie moments like 'hard candy christmas' etc etc. it was a true blessing to spend christmas in new orleans (and i booked my ass in at the w hotel as well... xo)

toddicus driving home. i've got my best friend's party to get to!

brandon and his two girlfriends on christmas. lol! that's morgan, brandon's girlfiend and one of my best girls.

and what a lovely spread! do you see the framed picture of me on the table? look to the right. i just saw that myself! aww!!

kurt coburn, bass player for the scattered pages.

hey mitch.

meet eliza, brandon and morgan's new girl.

this dog has more personality than many people i aquaint myself with.

mary and eliza

my best friend. hands down. oh! and brandon's in the picture too. lol kidding b.

toddicus and eliza.

brandon, lead singer for the scattered pages.

andy mcwilliams, multi-talented scattered pages drummer.

santa had it comin'.

brian and michelle. brain has been shipwrecked for sometime. we're glad to have him home.

goodbye. up next- my debaucherous january in miami.


- Monday, February 05, 2007

Past adventures of Toddicus: