Saturday, July 23, 2005
hey everyone. i'm on an early flight tomorrow to seattle and then off to alaska!
so, in the mean time, i'm giving y'all a week to do this easy little contest.
below all of this mundane text are some pictures i had taken for some upcoming readings and possibly for the new book, the canopic garden.
once you've scrolled down and seen the pictures, go to the contact me button on the side and let me know two things.
#1. tell me your favorite picture for use on the posters (you're voting here) we're making for some upcoming readings. (barnes & noble, helios, etc)
#2. guess which one everyone else voted for the most.
whoever guesses correctly which picture was most liked by everyone else will get a copy of the old book, indiana the island, and get a sneak peek at the first few poems in my new book, the canopic garden. now since i know there's many, many people that look at the site and send emails, there's a chance that more than one of y'all will be correct. i'm giving away 10 books. if i have more than ten correct guesses i'll do a lottery drawing with all of your pretty little names in a big hat. david ortega, the brilliant photographer, will do the drawing of names. (there goes my book sales for the week!)
remember- just cause you like that picture best doesn't mean everone else will too. good luck!!
toddicus behind a big catalpa leaf. (big hint for the new book by the way...)
toddicus leaving the catalpa tree.
toddicus- the catalpa wolverine.

the canopic garden needs no watering.
toddicus behind spanish moss.
graveyard profile.
it's too much i can't take it!
it was a very rainy day.

i purposely overexposed this picture just to be artistic. ; )
don't vote for this one. please.
go suck a thumb.
praying is allowed. (i certainly am!!)
this is the photographer david ortega. brilliant, wouldn't you say?
and here's two that i took.. you can vote for these too if you like.

the contest ends august 1st. midnight from your time zone. send in those emails and i'll be back to respond to you, have a laugh, and a listen when i'm home from my alaskan getaway.
take care of each other now... the world's gettin' crazy again.
i'm looking forward to sharing my adventures in the new frontier with you when i return to balmy houston, texas.
xoxo bless you all
- Saturday, July 23, 2005
Monday, July 18, 2005
halloooo luvvaaahhhzzz!!
hey everyone... ok- lots to tell you before i head off to alaska and canada.
first off- i'm just going to update with a bunch of random pictures this week and end the week with a little contest. i have a bunch of poetry readings coming up and i'll post all of that info soon. so watch out for the contest and in the meantime... enjoy all of these pictures.
my neighbor's tree.
these are guinea fowl. they run around my neighborhood. we're all so used to them... look at that dog sleeping right next to them!
they make a real ruckus if you get too close!

it floods a lot here in houston (and not from busted water mains!) it rained so
hard that the streets flooded like crazy...

lots of water... see my bug safe and sound up on the hill?

the red car and the orange car got towed away. stupid humans.

the kids from the chocolate bar next to my gallery came out to play when the water started
going down.

hi! i'm a dweeb!
some of my family came into town and i went to meet up with them at
my brother's favorite haunt, the flying saucer.
my sister-in-law jen is el prego again!
my brother and i are total retards.
my sister-in-law's momma with jaime and his girlfriend. (her name is haley. she always thinks i forget it.) do you see all the flying saucers in the bar?
downtown houston rocks.
there goes the train...

gotta go... i've gotta get up and go to katz's for breakfast...
this is my girlfriend marian from new york- well, she's been in houston for years,
"butchoo'ed nevah knowuh!"
my girl natasha from indiana (now hollywood, ca) made it to breakfast. she's filming a movie in louisiana and brought a friend for a visit.
my girl tera brought her friend miguel from nicaragua.
latino boys are always so damn affectionate. the bartender in the background is jennifer.
my friend omar came in from washington, d.c. omar is from beruit, lebanon.
"and they asked me at the airport, 'are you a terrorist?' and i replied,
'no, i'm gay,' and they just let me through without knowing what to say..."
me and brandon drinkin' beer at the alabama ice house.

brandon and morgan getting a bit passionate. meow!
later, we all decided to go to cecil's pub and wear omar's glasses.
brandon in the glasses.
morgan in the glasses.
josh in the glasses.
beth in the glasses.
toddicus in the glasses.
daniel in the glasses.
ok. that's everybody.

...but i love money sooooo much. especially canandian loonies.
happy birthday robin...
escape from the planet of the apes!!
the tip jar at empire cafe.
me me me me me me me. selfish pictures are fun. nice day to put the top down. ok... there'll be more updates this week- lots and lots of great shit coming up guys!! i'm so excited to show you... don't forget to watch out for the contest and lots of new shit before i'm off to alaska.
- Monday, July 18, 2005
Thursday, July 07, 2005
pre-bleaching and the houston gay pride parade.
hey homos (i mean, isn't everyone gay at a gay pride parade?) i had a really great time at houston's gay pride parade. i went to see sophie b. hawkins in concert and enjoy the revelry afterward. but first, let me tell you about my week. as you know, the brilliant singer for the scattered pages illustrated my first book. he's also woking with me on my new book titled...
...drum roll please...
the canopic garden. ( i can't wait for y'all to read it!!)
anyway, i lost nearly the entire manuscript for the new book and was in a horrible way about it. it's simply the best thing i've ever written and i felt like i lost a child. so... i found it today and feel good enough to do an update on the site tonight. i've been so depressed about it that i just wanted to shoot myself in the foot. but it's back and i can't wait to get it in print!!
anyway, here's some shots from brandon's house before i bleached my hair. brandon lives just down the road from me and suggested that i do a walking tour from my house to his. great idea. (i think i'll do that when i'm back from alaska.) then it's the gay pride parade of houston- the only night parade in the country.
love ya'll xoxox
put out the cigarette toddicus and get to work.
brandon puts on a record.
i'll have another in a different chair. (somebody's been working out...)
brandon takes the smoking chair.
i reclaim the chair.

one of brandon's tables...
feelin' good.
ok now- onto the houston pride fest and parade.
the festival and parade are held in montrose just southwest of downtown houston.
i was nearly killed by my favorite houston voice writer johnny hooks!!!
i look like i'm wearing a back brace.
pansy division opens up for sophie b. hawkins... go girls!
and some of pansy division's fans...
boy wearing a morrissey shirt. i bought this shirt in 1991 at one
of his concerts in cincinnati.
remember chad allen? he came to announce his new gay tv show.
sophie b. hawkins is jesus!!!!
sweatin' to the oldies!! this girl doesn't stop!! she kicks so much ass!!
"before i walk on fire... you gotta look me in the face..."
hawkins is rawkin!!
me in a sea of lesbians.
time for bongos... a lot of people don't know that sophie is an accomploshed percussionist.
it's jihad on those haters!!
she finished with "damn i wish i was your liver"- i mean lover- and it was over too soon!!
after the show i talked to sophie... what you might not know is that i opened for sophie when i was in my band years ago... we took a limo together from the airport to the show. she remembered me and we chatted it up for a bit. such a great girl!! her new album is "wilderness" and it's intoxicating. "meet me on a rooftop..."
o!!! and the cutest thing was that someone offered to take our picture when i held the camera up for a self-shot and sophie said, "no, i like the way he's doing it." great picture, don't you think?? thanks sophie- talk to you soon xoxo
look at this crowd!! it's the biggest gay parade in the south!
houston's mayor bill white walks the parade... he refuses to take a float.

cute kid with a mohawk.
over the intersection of montrose and westheimer they hang a huuuuuge chandelier.
one of the gayest floats i saw. gay gay gay gay
i hung out with my girl beth.
toddicus with david and tink.

the smirnoff float (photo by my hoosier-turned-texan amy stephenson).

photo by amy again...
houston's favorite drag queen kofi hosts the parade.
what is this...?
toddicus and beth still drinking.
the guava lamp... where i host the craziest show in town every wednesday and sunday night at 10pm.
take a good look at this picture... i love it. hee hee hee
toddicus and some kick-ass sophie b. hawkins fans i met...
have a great week everyone!! thanks for your emails from all over...
australia, pakistan, the netherlands, belgium, tuvalu, japan, and lots of other countries!!
send me more email! let me know how your life is, wherever you are in the world,
love to all,
- Thursday, July 07, 2005